Last night I roasted a selection of veggies from my recent Boston Organics deliveries. By the way, I am a total fan of theirs.
So here's my latest success formula:
Awesometasticness =
+ Leeks
+ New potatoes
+ Mushrooms
+ Parsnips
+ Carrots
+ Garlic cloves
+ Shallots
+ Rosemary
+ Salt
+ Olive Oil
+ Grated Parmesan
Chop vegetables, toss together with oil, herbs and cheese, and roast at 425 degrees.
Put in bowl with 1.5 ounces goat cheese + .5 ounce toasted pine nuts.
Big shouts out to my sister-in-law Lauren for suggesting I roast my plethora of potatoes, and to my dear friend Barbara for looking up how to prep leeks for roasting.